Ponytail Playtime
I stumbled home hot, she’s lookin’ so sweet,
Skirt ridin’ up, knockin’ me off my feet.
She’s teasin’ me hard, with a wink and a sway,
Got my rod revvin’ up for the games we’ll play.
My pants are tight, I’m rarin’ to go,
She’s stirrin’ my stew, and stealin’ the show.
Then she grabs her hair, twists it up tight,
Ponytail swingin’, oh, what a sight.
She’s tyin’ it back, I know what’s in store,
My baby’s ‘bout to take me straight to the floor.
It’s ponytail playtime, she’s droppin’ below,
Goin’ to work, yeah, she’s stealin’ the show.
Ponytail poppin’, she’s takin’ the lead,
Makin’ me holler, fulfillin’ my need.
She’s waxin’ my pole like a pro with finesse,
Got me confessin’ sins I didn’t possess.
Her lips like a vice, she’s crankin’ my shaft,
I’m ridin’ waves, she’s steerin’ the raft.
She’s deep in the zone, I’m losin’ my grip,
Ponytail bouncin’ with each little dip.
Then she grabs her hair, twists it up tight,
Ponytail swingin’, oh, what a sight.
She’s tyin’ it back, I’m ready to roar,
My girl’s ‘bout to blow me right through the door.
It’s ponytail playtime, she’s droppin’ below,
Goin’ to work, yeah, she’s stealin’ the show.
Ponytail poppin’, she’s takin’ the lead,
Makin’ me holler, fulfillin’ my need.
She’s divin’ for treasure, I’m her pirate’s hoard,
Plunderin’ me good, I’m beggin’ for more.
She’s lickin’ the cannon, firin’ my shot,
Ponytail’s flaggin’ the jackpot I’ve got.
I’m shakin’, I’m sweatin’, she’s callin’ my bluff,
One more round, babe, I can’t get enough!
She’s milkin’ the cow, I’m mooin’ her name,
Playin’ my horn in this filthy game.
Her tongue’s a tornado, I’m caught in the spin,
Ponytail’s proof that I’m gonna win.
She’s kneelin’ like royalty, crownin’ my throne,
I’m her king tonight, and she’s settin’ the tone.
Then she grabs her hair, twists it up tight,
Ponytail swingin’, oh, what a sight.
She’s tyin’ it back, I’m losin’ control,
My baby’s ‘bout to swallow my soul.
It’s ponytail playtime, she’s droppin’ below,
Goin’ to work, yeah, she’s stealin’ the show.
Ponytail poppin’, she’s takin’ the lead,
Makin’ me holler, fulfillin’ my need.
So raise a glass high to my ponytail queen,
Dirtiest angel that I’ve ever seen.
She ties it back, and I’m done for the night,
Ponytail playtime—man, she does it right.
From dusk ‘til dawn, she’s my filthy delight,
Ponytail’s wavin’, I’m screamin’ outright!